Mushroom Spore syringes for Blue Meanies
Panaeolus cyanescens – lovingly dubbed ‘Blue Meanies’ – are a super potent strain of psychoactive fungi. Though not technically a Psilocybe cubensis, they still contain psilocin and psilocybin as their primary active constituents. The moniker for these powerful mushrooms (two to three times as potent as cubensis) comes from the intense bluing reaction displayed when bruised or handled, much more vivid than a typical Psilocybe cubensis (although some argue it is a reference to the Beatles movie Yellow Submarine). This trait is because oxidizing psilocin causes the blueness, and there is quite a lot of psilocin in these little guys.
While Panaeolus cyanescens stand out for their potency, they are visually nothing remarkable and resemble many other types of mushrooms with a small to medium brownish/whitish look. However, one distinguishing aesthetic factor is the spots on the gills, giving this shroom its other nickname, ‘Mottlegill.’ These spots are caused by spores ripening together in tiny patches. Panaeolus mushrooms grow worldwide in temperate or tropical environments, especially in poop. There’s a lot of confusion regarding the nomenclature between the two psychoactive cyanescens – Psilocybe cyanescens and Panaeolus cyanescens. Psilocybe cyanescens is known as ‘Wavy Cap’ and is a wood-loving, subtropical, and dung inhabiting species that is easy to cultivate indoors on poo or straw and is roughly double the potency of Psilocybe cubensis. Blue Meanies mushrooms, also known as Panaeolus cyanescens, are a species of psychedelic mushroom known for their distinctive blue coloration. These mushrooms are typically found growing on cow dung, straw, or other decomposing organic matter. They have a brownish-grey cap that can reach up to 7 cm in diameter, with a convex shape that becomes more flattened with age. The cap also has a smooth surface, and as the mushroom matures, it may develop a slight depression in the center. The gills of the blue meanies mushroom are adnate to adnexed, and they are dark purple-black in color. The stem is typically long and thin, and can be up to 12 cm in length. The stem is also white in color, with a thick ring that can be easily removed. The spore print of blue meanies is dark purple-black in color. Blue Meanies mushrooms have a potent psychoactive effect and should be used with care and caution. Psilocybe cyanescens or Blue Meanies are wood decomposing species growing naturally in the temperate zone (e.g., the Pacific Northwest) and need a cold shock to fruit. Cultivation indoors is challenging, and fruiting is unlikely to occur without an elaborate setup; this species also has around double the potency of cubensis. When handling cyanescens, keep your nose on the lookout for a flour-like smell & taste with an intense blue coloration on the stem. You’ll often see Psilocybe cyanescens in the wild in places like the Gulf Coast, Mexico, Eastern Australia, India, Southeast Asia, Bali, France, Italy, and South America. You can expect the same effects from Blue Meanies as with other types of cubensis, keeping in mind that this strain is vastly more potent. Many claim cyanescens produces a reflective, energetic, sensual, visual, and euphoric trip – although there is much debate in the mycology and psychonaut communities as to whether or not different strains of mushrooms produce various trips or if it all comes down to set and setting. It’s generally advised to reduce your standard mushroom dosage by two-thirds or more when taking cyanescens. If you like to take an eighth of cubensis strains like Golden Teachers or B+, reduce your Blue Meanie consumption to one gram, give or take. Typical results of ingesting Psilocybe mushrooms include: One thing that sets cyanescens apart from its peers is the high psilocin content. It may sound surprising that psilocybin is not a psychoactive alkaloid. However, once ingested, the liver metabolizes psilocybin into psilocin over 45 minutes to an hour, making psilocybin a ‘prodrug’ to psilocin. With a method known as the lemon tek, you can mix powdered magic mushrooms with lemon juice and let it sit for half an hour. During this time, the ascorbic acid converts the psilocybin into psilocin. Upon ingestion, psychedelic effects begin in as little as one or two minutes, with the whole trip peaking in less than an hour. While taking cyanescens isn’t quite this intense, it can be very similar – so buckle up, especially if it’s your first time with the Meanies. These are the recommendations for magic mushroom dosing from Erowid (a harm reduction site for psychedelic users): Threshold .25g Light .25 – 1g Common 1 – 2.5g Strong 2.5 – 5g Heavy 5g+ Remember, cut these amounts in half or two-thirds unless you want to dissolve your ego completely. In the early 1960s, the legendary Albert Hoffman investigated Panaeolus cyanescens after reports came in of a peculiar intoxication from a fungus collected from dung in Southern France. (later, he concluded that the equine brought in from Indonesia for horse races had been responsible for the propagation of the psychedelic mushroom on a new continent). Mr. Hoffman discovered enormous levels of psilocin but almost zero psilocybin – very unusual compared to Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. Erowid states that Panaeolus cyanescens contain between .5-3% psilocin, while cubensis are between .14-1.3% by weight. While levels vary by the specimen, you can see that the psilocin in Blue Meanies can be over double that of cubensis. It’s easy to see why cyanescens has such a reputation for potency – these little guys aren’t called Blue Meanies for nothing. Buying things online is tricky, whether blue jeans or magic mushroom spores. So how do you know what you’re getting is quality and will work for your needs? Of course, buying unregulated products like Panaeolus cyanescens spores requires a bit more caution and due diligence than a pair of jeans. Look for websites with standard marks of online legitimacy, such as about us and contact pages, reviews, a FAQ, and familiar payment platforms. Buying psilocybin spores is legal (mostly). How? Magic mushroom spores don’t contain psilocybin – so since spores do not contain any active psychoactive compounds, they can legally be bought/sold in almost all states. Unfortunately, California, Georgia, and Idaho have created legislation to ban the sale of Psilocybin mushroom spores (except for researchers/research institutions in California). Let’s be thankful we don’t live in Indonesia, where getting caught with magic mushroom spores is punishable by the death penalty. Psychedelic culture, although beginning to step into the mainstream, remains underground. Before ordering, consider posting on Reddit or The Shroomery to see if anyone is familiar with the site. Last resort – reach out to their customer service. Send an email to the site and make a connection before you buy to help determine the vendor’s legitimacy. Psilocybin Circus, Kaleido Shrooms, and United Spores of America sit high on our list of preferred vendors. They use pharmaceutical-grade distilled water in their spore syringes, make everything in clean rooms, and work with seasoned mycologists to ensure best practices from spore to syringe. While the legislation is dated (to say the least), suspicionless drug testing remains a common practice in the excellent United States of America. Fortunately for psychonauts, magic mushrooms will not appear on a standard drug test – although there are caveats. For any urinalysis, whether 5, 10, 12, or 14 panel, psilocybin, and its metabolites are not among the substances tested for. These tests look for cannabis, benzodiazepines, opioids, barbiturates, PCP, cocaine, amphetamines, and ETG (an alcohol metabolite). If detecting mushroom usage is desired, one must order a costly and specific test for psilocin. However, even for these more advanced tests, the body clears most alkaloids from the body in as little as 24 hours, so you don’t have much to worry about either way. Of course, if you’re getting a hair test, you could be completely screwed. Your hair is like a journal of your lifestyle, diet, and habits; tests go back as far as 90 days on average. If you find yourself in this tragic situation, you can look online for kits with products you add to hair that can cheat these tests – but you didn’t hear it from us. The best bet is if you’re a person that likes to trip balls, don’t try to work for the NSA. Magic mushroom tea is a beautiful concoction with the primary goals of eliminating stomach upset and enhancing the onset of effects in a shorter window. Cell walls of mushrooms are made up of chitin, which is quite difficult for humans to digest – doing this work beforehand helps significantly in imbibing magic mushrooms nausea-free. The enhanced surface area of the mushrooms also helps the stomach to absorb the good stuff. Optional: Add ginger or honey, and strain after brewing if nausea is a primary concern. The quicker onset from ‘shroom tea isn’t quite as intense as the lemon tek, but many people mention a decreased come-up time with the tea. Another benefit of making this concoction is the ceremonial flavor it can add to an experience. The ritual of choosing, grinding, brewing, and ingesting brings a certain level of attentiveness and presence to the sacred process of the psychedelic voyage. Bonus: This tea-making process can be done with medicinal (Reishi, Lion’s Mane, etc.) and magic mushrooms. 200+ species of Psilocybe mushrooms grow in the wild globally. Mexico is #1 with 53 varieties, while Canada and the US have 22. Here are a few standouts to give you an idea of the variety Nature presents with psychoactive fungi: Psilocybe semilanceata (Liberty Caps) These are the most ubiquitous naturally growing psilocybin mushrooms globally and the third most potent (according to tests by Paul Stamets and Jochen Gartz). Psilocybe azurescens (Flying Saucers, Blue Angels, Blue Runners, Azzies) The strongest Psilocybe that grows in the wild was discovered by Boy Scouts camping in Oregon in 1979 and became an official species in 1996 when Paul Stamets officially identified them. Psilocybin tampanensis (truffles, sclerotia, philosopher’s stone) These fruit into little yellow-brown mushrooms with conic caps containing approximately .68% psilocybin & .32% psilocin. Most people don’t eat the fruiting bodies but the ‘sclerotia,’ which are compact masses of hardened mycelium containing nutrient stores. Panaeolus cinctulus (Banded Mottlegill) California’s most widespread Psilocybe, P. cinctulus, is a “little brown mushroom” or ‘LBM,’ a member of a large group that is very easy to mix up. As the saying goes, all mushrooms are edible, but some only once. Most psilocybin mushrooms are LBMs, as are some culinary species like Enokitake and Honey Mushrooms – but also some toxic species, such as the Deadly Galerina (Galerina marginata). Psilocybe zapotecorum (named after Oaxacan Zapotec indigenous) Native to Mexico and having current and ancient ceremonial uses, going by ‘Bado, Badao, and Badao Zoo,’ which translates to drunk mushroom or drunk god in Zapotec. This species may have previously been growing naturally inside the adobe homes of the Zapotec. Convenient! Psilocybe cyanescens (Wavy Cap) Elsie Wakefield first identified Wavy Caps in England in 1946 (although supposedly she had been collecting them since 1910). Native to Central Europe and the Pacific Northwest, they are now one of the world’s most common wild psilocybin mushrooms. Since they prefer woody debris like mulch or chips, they have been able to quickly spread from lumber and mulch production, with distribution to gardens worldwide. Take note that this strain is often confused with Panaeolus cyanescens. Psilocybe caerulescens (Landslide Mushrooms, Derrumbes) Another Mexican strain was first reported in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1923 on sugar cane mulch. Common in places like South Carolina and Georgia, caerulescens became famous when Maria Sabina gave Gordon Wasson thirteen pairs during a Mazatec ceremony. Wasson later told this story in Life Magazine, giving birth to the term ‘magic mushroom.’ Psilocybe mexicana (Teonanacatl, Pajaritos, Flesh of the Gods) Used in ceremonies by the Aztecs, this species is what French botanist Roger Heim gave to Albert Hoffman in 1958. Hoffman used it to cultivate magic mushrooms and isolate psilocybin and psilocin for the first time. Psilocybe caerulipes (Blue Foot Mushroom) A rare wood-loving mushroom that grows in the US, this species is found on or around decaying hardwood, especially near rivers throughout the Midwest, eastern US, and even Canada. Although widely distributed, P. caerulipes are rarely seen. However, they often fruit in the same place for many years – so mark the spot if you find one. Psilocybe stuntzii (Blue Ringer Mushroom, Stuntz’s Blue Legs) This is another rare species that was found on the west coast of the US and Canada and was first found on the University of Washington’s campus (named after Dr. Daniel Stuntz, who made the first collection). The nicknames of this strain are due to the intense bluing seen when handling. Psilocybe weilii (named after Andrew Weil) Possibly the rarest of all Psilocybe varieties, weilii is found exclusively in northern Georgia. You can look for it from May to December in areas with red clay soil and pine needles; look for a cucumber smell and taste. Psilocybe pelliculosa Found in British Columbia, Canada, and the Pacific Northwest and sporting a cone-shaped cap in earlier stages of growth, this species eventually blossoms into a broad bell-shaped top. Known for having lighter effects, pelliculosa is an excellent beginner mushroom. Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric, Fly Amanita) i In a class all on its own, Amanita is a psychoactive fungus that many believe Christmas (from the Shamans collecting this brightly colored mushroom from under an evergreen tree) – and even humankind’s evolution into intelligent beings – has its roots in. Don’t expect a trip like you would from a Psilocybe, as the active alkaloids here are ibotenic acid and muscimol. Amanitas are technically classified as a deliriant, similar to Datura (Jimson Weed). Applying heat to Amanitas is essential to ensure the proper balance of ibotenic acid to muscimol if you plan on ingesting – be sure to take immense caution and do your research; these fungi are not to be taken likely, and vomiting is expected – not to mention consuming your urine is necessary to reach the ultimate Amanita experience. To your health and happiness, always! Blue Meanies mushroom identification
Naturally growing mushrooms
Psychedelic effects from Blue Meanies
Standard mushroom dosage for Blue Meanies
High psilocin content
Caring for Blue Meanies
Potency of Blue Meanies
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